Thursday 1 May 2014

We're here!

We landed yesterday (April 30th) around 1am and the TVE ( the volunteer organization) staff were at the airport to pick us up. They squished all of our luggage and 5 volunteers in the van to bring us to our volunteer houses. Mom and I were the last of 3 stops. We are staying in Tembo Volunteer House (which means elephant is Swahili, I obviously love it!). The house is spotless, and very nice:) Mom and I are in a room with 3 double bunk beds but right now there is only one other person with us. There are also three other rooms of volunteers, everyone is very nice so far ( people from Egypt, Australia, England, Switzerland, US and Canada).

Yesterday we stayed around the volunteer house but today another volunteer took us on the Dala Dala (taxi ish bus) into town to Muzungu square( basically means white person). It's a holiday here so a lot is closed but it is nice to look around and explore a little . 

When we arrived on the 30th the electricity was on and we had a flushing toilet, a sink (assuming with running water) and a shower head! Unfortunately when we woke up the power was off and has been ever since. They ran a generator last night which turned on the lights for a couple hours. The other volunteers said usually the power is only off for a few hours, however it has been off for 4 days before and they never know when it will come back on. We excepted the power to be a little sporadic so it's alright, hopefully it will be back on soon.

Tomorrow we have orientation so we will find out a little more about our volunteer work and will start on Monday:)
On the weekend we may go to a waterfall with some other volunteers, I'll be sure to take lots of pictures:)
I also forgot to take pictures of our volunteer house so I will try to remember to do that next time we have wifi:)

Xo Emma and Julia

Ps we had a french fry omelet for dinner last night and it was delicious!

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