Tuesday 20 May 2014

The Hot Springs....I could hear my Father saying is Africa the best place for Emma and you to travel?

This past Saturday we went to the Hot Springs.  They were so beautiful and extremely relaxing  (well once we got there at least).
The trip to and from the Hot Springs, was quite the adventure.  I don't think I can do it justice typing it out, so it will be a story that has to be told once we are home!

The blue vehicle there is called a Tuk tuk, you pay them 30 000 tsh (tanzanian shillings, equivalent to about $20 CDN) and they drive you to and from the hot springs, waiting for a couple hours while you swim in the water, then bring you back to the bus stop on the highway.  Then you take a local bus home to Arusha and then a dala dala back to our volunteer house. 

 As you can see from the pictures our Tuk tuk had a few technical problems. . . and our drivers didn't speak any English so we had no clue what was going on!  Two flat tires and a broken axle on the way.

 When we finally made it, the springs were gorgeous and the water was so refreshing.  There was also a rope swim into the water, and you could jump, flip and dive off the sides or tree branches :)  The pictures don't do this lovely get away justice.

The rest of the story to follow when we get home.

xo Emma and Julia

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